This simple home workout will strengthen your core and improve your posture. [It’ll even help you get a six pack, but that’s not the point]. I advise beginners to do only this routine for at least 2 weeks before progressing to the band... build a solid foundation.
Whatever your level of fitness: You will benefit from this. Strong people in particular – because your big muscles are used to doing all the work you may often complain of neck ache when washing the dishes! Office workers don’t escape either: the many [small postural] muscles that support our spine and pelvis need to be strong to support our posture for the many hours we demand of them.
…Otherwise our spine distorts and ruins our life through pain, illness and weakness!
Watch these short videos, print the notes and get practicing. You can do this twice a day if you like, but definitely practice the routine at least twice a week even if you are not in pain… and let’s hope you live to be a pain-free hundred-year-old.
1. Chiropractic Adjustment []
2. Standing pelvic tilt
3. Chin tucks
4. Frog stretch [for Hip Flexors]
5. Neck stretch [for SCM]
6. Cobra raise. 10 second hold, 10 reps
7. Superman. 2 minutes
8. Hip raises [lie on back] with Leg Raises
9. Leg raises [lie on side]
10. Side Plank
11. Plank with shoulder retractions
-if you are going to use additional exercises: do them now-
12. Neck stretch [side, up, slump, goldfish, rotate]
13. Sit and reach
14. Denneroll
How to sit;
Rock onto the back of your pelvis and flatten your lower back back bracing your abdominals. Keep head directly above hips, knees slightly below hips.